An environmentally friendly product
90% less weight, 80% less space required, Faster absorption time,
• Non-cancer causing
No silica
• A better functioning product
Users job made easier, Reduces vapors, Indefinite shelf life
• More versatile
325+ liquids and chemicals
Broadens HazMat response abilities
• More affordable up front
30% cheaper on average
• More efficient for disposal
Saves greatly on disposal costs, Landfill life extended
• Greatly reduces strain on people and equipment
Less injuries, Less wear-and-tear on vehicles, More space available
• Reduces all carbon footprints
Less transportation costs, Good for industry, Good for government,
Good for military operations
• Recoverable energy
Can be incinerated 13,000 BTUs per pound, Less than 1% ash content,
Ideal for Waste to Energy facilities Waste becomes recoverable energy,
Landfill life extended indefinitely
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