Corporate Plastic Recycling Programs
GIANCO has successfully established plastic recycling programs as a result of providing a balanced, economically sensible and integrated solution. Our program focuses on six (6) major areas:
- On-Site Evaluation and Needs Analysis
- Collection
- Volume Purchase Agreements
- Handling
- Reclamation and Tolling Services
- End-Use
Each of the above mentioned areas represent integral components of the Recycling Industry. GIANCO is uniquely positioned to handle each of these areas. By outsourcing to a sole source vendor, Municipalities and Corporations are no longer faced with having to negotiate with multiple vendors to accommodate and manage their needs.
On-site Evaluation and Needs Analysis -The first step towards implementing a successful plastic recycling program is the identification of the types of plastics being generated. It is important to note that there are many different types of plastics, each type having its own characteristics and specific applications. Once this information is determined, a strategic program can be executed.
Collection - When discarding used plastic, proper accommodations are necessary to facilitate their identification, preparation, marketing, and transportation. This process includes both Post-Consumer and Post-Industrial materials. By providing communities with specific recycling bins, consumers can now easily separate and sort these recyclable plastics. The same policies and procedures also need to be established for corporate and local municipalities in order to complete the recycling loop.
Volume Purchase Agreements - GIANCO currently serves as both a central purchasing arm and manufacturers distributor of both Post-Consumer and Post-Industrial plastics for several major corporations. In this capacity, GIANCO contracts with a host of resin companies for the distribution of commodity and engineering plastics.
Handling - The proper handling of recycled plastics provides material to be marketed and re-used as opposed to land filling. Traditionally, plastics have been grouped together (commingled) thus reducing their value and in some cases eliminating their recyclability. Therefore, the educational process of segregation and material differentiation is critical. GIANCO's work with the Fortune 500 and Government community uniquely positions the company to institute and offer comprehensive, efficient, cost-effective consolidation programs.
Reclamation and Tolling Services - Although some recycled plastics can be easily recycled, others require additional intricate procedures to restore their marketability. These methods include grinding, baling, compounding, washing, sorting and commingled separation. Each of these applications is highly specific, technical, and involves an ongoing commitment for long term success.
End-Use - The ultimate objective of any recycling program is to provide an easy and effective solution for re-using plastic. As a result of increased awareness and advances in technology, new markets and applications have evolved for recycled plastics. A qualified sale and marketing organization who specializes in recycled plastic has become an important conduit for providing these materials back to industry for re-use.
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